Welcome to The Repo! 🚀
Great work deserves to be shared. Especially in data science.
Each week, I'll curate three gems from the data science community:🗄️ Re: Remarkable Repository 💻 P: Prolific Programmer 🏢 O: Outstanding OrganizationI hope you find them as valuable and insightful as I do.
You can find all recommendations in the GitHub repository at finnoh/repo!
🗄️ Repository | Forest-based statistical inference
This package for the estimation of Generalized Random Forests, helps with bringing forests and the estimation of treatment effects together. Some of the aspects that this technique allows for are
heterogeneous treatment effects estimation
censored outcomes
multiple treatment arms
Least squares, survival, or quantile regression
Support for covariates that are missing

Also, visit their documentation!
Gilles Castel
💻 Programmer | Working magic with Latex & the best notes I’ve ever seen.
A note: according to his website, Gilles Castel passed away in 2022. Respectfully, I’d like to share his work, as it has inspired many, many people in the community. Maybe, reading the comments on his Buy Me a Coffee page gives you an idea of the impact he has had.
On Gilles Castel’s website, you will find four articles. I urge you to take the time and read all of them. Rarely, have I seen such a creative, crafty, and helpful setup for technical writing and note-taking as the one presented in these posts.
A short overview of some highlights:
Taking notes in Latex at the speed of a mathematics lecture, including a way to draw complex figures “live”.
Inkscape drawings with Latex labels, where the Latex labels automatically adapt to the document font and special characters
A note-taking system that automatically opens the correct document depending on the time of day (using the lecture schedule).
Internal links between documents, which jump to the correct position in the document containing the citation
A script for the browser, which adds a button to ArXiv papers, allowing Gilles to add the paper directly to his library
Also, consider taking a look at the public repository of his master's thesis, at gillescastel/masterthesis. There are many designs and other nifty Latex tricks that you can discover there.
🏢 Organization | A classic still worth sharing
I am cheating a bit here. While I try to support open-source projects, we sneak this corporate project in here, because it enabled many open-source projects, blogs, and other resources to follow. Also, many institutions (e.g. your university) offer access to DataCamp, and there are blogs and free courses on the website.
DataCamp is a BootCamp for programmers, it walks you through the process of learning to code, interactively, with online programming challenges and lecture videos. Every time I am trying to learn a new framework or technique, I check whether a course on DataCamp exists, as these serve as great introductions.

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